Injections For Sport Injuries/Overstrain

Generally speaking, every patient with certain sport injuries can benefit from this procedure (autohaemotherapy, PRP) to support the body's own regeneration processes.
After a thorough diagnosis and assessment of your specific condition, we will determine whether this treatment would be medically beneficial and supportive of your individual therapeutic objectives.

Possible applications

  • Joint injuries
  • Meniscus, ligament, tendon and muscle injuries
  • Surgical wounds and other types of wounds
  • Tennis elbow, jumpers knee, heel spur


Blood platelets (thrombocytes) play a major role in the self-repairing mechanisms of soft and hard tissues.
Blood Plasma contains multiple concentrated factors (vitamins, electrolytes, hormones, growth factors, proteins) that are essential for cell survival.


We draw a small quantity of your blood, which is subsequently centrifuged in a closed system and thus separated into the blood components.
The PRP (platelet-rich plasma) which has been isolated through this procedure, is then injected.
This stimulates long-term regeneration of the tissue and inhibits inflammation.
Those benefits will take effect after a certain delay, but they are long-lasting.

Example Image

If you are interested in this treatment, we will gladly discuss the exact procedure, costs and therapeutic objectives with you.

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29.7. bis 20.8.23.

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Lützner Straße 164
Telefon 0341-97856159


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Kiewer Straße 5
Telefon 0341-4226737

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